The color of the heartwood, when cut, is a deep ginger, bending towards orange on the brown scale. As it ages, the orange undertones give way to more ruddy qualities that fits perfectly with Teak Bali’s Merbau Hardwood houses.
One feature of the color that separates this wood visually is the reflection of golden flecks woven through the grain. These are the result of mineral deposits, unique only to Merbau. What you will see however is the course texture of the wood whose grain ranges from straight to interlocked textures.
The combination of orange to red-toned browns, permeated with mineral deposits in the grain, will really separate the look and value of your Merbau Hardwood Home from any other building materials available on the market.
Merbau seasons well with kiln or air-drying, exhibiting only a low degrade and very little shrinkage or movement.
For detailed info on Merbau Hardwood House specifications and characteristics, link through to a USDA Fact Sheet and a CIRAD Fact Sheet.
We use Merbau in our projects in:

Merbau grows mostly in South East Asia, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific islands. With its high degree of natural durability and strength it is used externally in engineering, construction as well marine applications.
Merbau is not only used for Merbau Hardwood homes but also features in backyards as outdoor furniture, and internally in a range of joinery, flooring and other uses.